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Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions from our customers:

Q. I’ll start with the most common question we are asked. Once built, can the runs be moved around to fresh grass?
A. Yes, Any size up to 4m x 4m, two adults can lift it off the ground and walk it to a new position. Any bigger sizes, we would recommend one person at each leg position to pick it up. 

Q. How long is delivery?
A. Goods are shipped by next-working-day courier. (This does not apply to UK remote areas which could be 3-5 working days). Please note our courier does not guarantee next-working-day delivery but 99% of orders do arrive next day. Orders for runs can be 4-15 packages per delivery and it sometimes happens where one or several items get mis-routed in the courier network, but arrive on a later day. We can’t do anything about this so please allow 5 working days for your complete order to be delivered before contacting us.

Q. How does it come delivered?
A. Our products are self-assembly. Depending on the size ordered, you will receive boxes of long poles (up to 2.2m), a box of brackets and all fixings, timber door kit and some rolls of wire mesh.

Q. What tools do I need?
A. Tools required include wire cutters / drill and 3mm bit / screwdriver / hammer / tape measure.

Q. How hard is it to assemble?
A. Two people are required for assembly. The frame and door are very easy to put together, the poles simply push into steel brackets. The door kit is all pre-drilled so just needs screwing together. The mesh comes on rolls up to 50m long. You will need to lay out set lengths then cut and join them together using lots of nylon ties (supplied). This makes a huge sheet of mesh which is pulled over the frame, up the side/over the roof and down the other side. It is then secured to the frame with bigger ties, pulling it tight as you go.

Q. Do I need any special DIY skills?
A. No, just time and patience! The instructions are written in a step-by-step way with pictures and handy tips. Fitting the mesh is not difficult but is fiddly and time-consuming, but the more patience you give it, the better finish you will get.

Q. What about the skirt?
A. When the mesh is made up and fitted, there is excess mesh which is laid out on the ground and pegged down to deter tunnelling predators. The size of the skirt depends on the run ordered but is typically 25-40cm. This can easily be cut back if it is too big.

Q. How many birds can I keep in a particular size run?
A. We get asked this a lot, but it is a question we don’t like to answer. Everyone has their own feelings about space for chickens. Our best advice would be to mark out the size of run on your ground so you can visualise how big it will be.